Muslim Brotherhood member attempted to smuggle 47 spying devices at Cairo airport

Muslim Brotherhood member attempted to smuggle 47 spying devices at Cairo airport

Cairo International Airport Customs on Saturday morning, apprehended a Muslim Brotherhood passenger arriving from Saudi Arabia. According to the authorities, he was attempting to smuggle 47 eaves dropping devices in the form of watches and office clocks as well as audio recording devices.
Customs sources at Cairo International Airport reported that during inspections of Saudi Arabian Airlines Flight no. 305 arriving from Jeddah, a customs agent became suspicious of an Egyptian passenger.

During the search, in his possession were found 25 watches with (tiny) video cameras, 10 audio recording devices, 8 small office clocks with (concealed) cameras, and five night-vision video cameras.

In addition, authorities found 2500 tiny memory cards, which military authorities had banned for civilian use in decision No. 3 of 1998.

Source: / Veto